A room in Budakeszi for rent: 40 pounds/ night, includes airport transfer. The price also includes breakfast, after four night a free sightseeing in Budapest, an excursion to the Danube bend (here a free lunch is also included in the Nagyvillám Restaurant). Close to the room for rent there is a great dentist.
Reservation: 00 36 30/2279141
or A room in Budakeszi for rent: 40 pounds/ night, includes airport transfer. The price also includes breakfast, after four night a free sightseeing in Budapest, an excursion to the Danube bend (here a free lunch is also included in the Nagyvillám Restaurant). Close to the room for rent there is a great dentist.
Reservation: 00 36 30/2279141
or zoldolonci@freemail.hu
Vízparti nyaraló kiadó a Balaton déli partján, Balatonfenyvesen
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